The Journey of Birth
Each type of birth; ventouse extraction, forceps or Caesarean delivery has its own compressive patterns on a baby’s body, especially its head. Even in natural and apparently problem-free births the compressive forces experienced by the baby as a result of the passage through the pelvis and the tight fit in the birth canal, can cause an imbalance in a baby's system. This can interfere with healthy cranial nerve function and many common problems such as colic, sucking problems and respiratory difficulties may be due to compression arising from birth trauma. If left untreated they can form a negative pattern and develop later into childhood conditions such as constipation, regular tummy upset or just an unsettled child. CST can help resolve the physical and emotional issues arising from a difficult birth. Conditions helped include:
- Unsettled/hard to soothe
- Constipation
- Colic & Reflux
- Birth trauma
- Sleeping issues
- Difficult latching